I want to offer some advice. I have people message me often and I am always happy to help but I am going to make a list of basics for you. If you are removing your child from Public Schools.
- Leave the past behind. Don't think about what they taught your child. Said to your child or did to your child. It is a fresh start.
- I would start with Unschooling. It will relax your child and they will know it is truly a fresh start. (you do not have to always unschool. You can but you don't have to. Find what works for you. It's just a starting point.)
- You do not have to pay for a curriculum to homeschool. There are plenty of free ones out there that you can incorporate into your homeschool.
- Be supportive. Let your child know you are there for them. Do hands-on learning activities. This shows your love and support.
- Never be afraid to ask for help.
I cannot stress Number 1 enough. When you first remove your child from school the only time you should look back is that first time. You should say what did you like about school and what didn't you like. Write it down and make sure you take that into account. Moving forward focus on your child's future. Their needs. It's a new beginning. If you need help with homeschool from an experienced homeschooler. Then please provide information like this:
-My child is a special needs learner because____.
-My child does not like this specific subject because ____.
-My child loves legos, games, and art. (or whatever their interest are.)
-My child was in this grade but may not be at that level in ____ subject.
-My price range for a curriculum each month is 0 to ____.
-I have internet or I do not have internet.
-My child can or cannot read.
-I am or am not comfortable teaching my child.
I am always more than happy to help and answer questions. As I am sure many others in our homeschool community are.
One last thing if you can afford to pay a monthly or yearly subscription I will almost always recommend MobyMax and Hooked on Phonics to you. They work. I have tested and tried many and these are solid. If you are into n-secular curriculums I will recommend ACE PACES. I am not going to tell you screen time is bad. My son plays Roblox for socialization and it works well. You're their parent it's not my place or anyone else to tell you how to raise them. I am sure all of you are kind loving parents or you wouldn't be here trying to help your kids.
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